Hair Sample Removal Instructions

The Right Way to take a Hair Sample – Instructions

Explained step by step


Send 1 gram of hair per analysis – when the hairs are together, ensure that they equate to roughly the thickness of a thin pencil (Pic 1) or the depth of a tablespoon (Pic 2).

  • For hair removal, use only stainless scissors.
  • Only send untreated hair – without hair dye, colouring, perm, bleaching or chemical Henna dye.
  • Washing hair before taking the sample is not essential.
  • For three Weeks before taking the sample, do not use anti-dandruff shampoo!
  • Do not send in hair from the hairdresser’s cutting room floor!
  • Pull up a vertical section of hair. Take only hair directly from the scalp at the back of the head (Pic 3).
  • The naturally grown hair sample should measure no longer than 5cm, use the end from closest to the scalp. The rest of the hair-ends or tips can be cut off and discarded.
  • Untreated hair shorter than 5cm can be used. The amount (1 gram) rather than the length, is decisive.
  • If no head hair is available, pubic hair can also be used, excluding armpit hair!
  • Do not mix hair types – either head or pubic hair.
  • If neither head nor pubic hair is available for sampling, we recommend an analysis from Whole Blood.








Information on Analyses and Prices
Registration form for Hair Analysis (pdf)

Before using supplements such as orthomolecular medicines, advice should be sought from a physician or pharmacist who is well-informed about orthomolecular treatments. Information provided here is not intended to give or represent a medical diagnosis or treatment plan.

Medical questions sent via e-mail cannot be answered.